How do customers prefer receiving communication regarding service reminders for upcoming services their vehicle is due for?

Research Design

Launched: Aug 17, 2022
Completed: Aug 19, 2022

Survey Methodology

Our survey was conducted with respondents in the United States. It was designed to mimic a nationally representative population sample with one modification: To exclude any participants younger than the age of eighteen.

Additionally, to be included in our survey, respondents had to have had their vehicle(s) serviced at least once over the previous 12 months.

Total Participants: 2,000

The Results

Auto Repair Shops Can Send Reminders When Your Vehicle Is Scheduled For Maintenance Services. Which Of The Following Ways, If Any, Would You Most Prefer An Auto Repair Shop To Send Reminders Through?

Based on the results of our survey, it’s clear that by far most respondents prefer to be contacted via email and text, followed by direct mail and a phone call.


Most shop management systems do not have a feature that allows you to flag the exact way your customers want to hear from you. If yours does then, then you are all set by simply having your service advisors ask your customers their preferred method of contact and then flagging them accordingly.

However, if you are like most other shop owners with a shop management software that does not you have this feature, we recommend a multi touch approach starting with the top two preferred methods of communication email and text and then layering on phone calls followed by direct mail if you find your customers need a 3rd or 4th touch.

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