HVAC Industry Terminology Can Be Confusing to Your Customers

Key Takeaways

  • Many homeowners don’t know what HVAC companies do.
  • Avoid using technical jargon in your marketing.
  • Minor verbiage tweaks to your marketing message can have a huge impact.


It’s easy to forget that the industry terminology you use all day in your business may be confusing to customers. However, do you  know that many homeowners do not even know what HVAC companies do? Well, it turns out that is exactly the case. The results of our recent nationwide consumer research report “Cracking The Code” uncovered that 50% of homeowners surveyed reported that they “do not know what HVAC companies do.”


It’s clear many homeowners don’t understand what HVAC companies do. However, what isn’t as clear is the relationship between the age range of these respondents and their responses.

Taking a closer look at these numbers by the age of respondents paints a noticeably clearer picture. As you can see from the results below, younger-age-group respondents are less aware of what HVAC companies do than older respondents. It’s logical that the older you are, the more experience you are likely to have with homeownership. However, it is still surprising that almost 1 out of 3 (32%) of the oldest age bracket (65+) reported that they don’t know what HVAC companies do.

Based on these findings, we can only conclude that many of these homeowners also do not understand other HVAC industry terminology.


Recommendation For Your HVAC
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When creating ad copy for your marketing or when speaking to customers, it’s always best practice to avoid using technical jargon or any verbiage that may not be very easily understood by the layperson without additional context.

Below is just one small example of how a minor verbiage change could improve the clarity of your message to homeowners.

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  • One Proven Retention & Referral Marketing Concept.
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