Mail Shark

Direct Mail Marketing for Landscapers

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Consumers purchase from companies that they trust. How you can build that trust is through brand recognition.

Although there are many marketing strategies that can be used to market your Lawn Care & Landscaping business to build brand recognition, using standalone direct mail & door hangers in conjunction with each other, will cost effectively and strategically reinforce your brand, help to start building trust in the consumer’s eyes & ultimately increase your revenue.

Why Direct Mail?
Standalone direct mail pieces are extremely effective and very cost effective for driving new business for Lawn Care & Landscaping companies. What’s even better is that our program gives you the ability to target specific neighborhoods by carrier route. This allows you to be much more strategic about the areas that you target as opposed to blanketing entire zip codes or pre-designated zones like many other forms of advertisements force you to do.

The use of door hangers is also a natural and perfect fit for Lawn Care & Landscaping companies. At the same time that your direct mail pieces are gaining traction and bringing in new leads, using door hangers will drive even more leads. Because you already have people on the ground servicing clients that can execute the distribution of door hangers, it’s very easy to execute distribution.

Door Hangers = Low Cost Marketing
Simply have your crew take a few minutes after each job and target as many homes that they can with door hangers before they have to head to their next job.

Another benefit of targeting and gaining consumers in the immediate areas of your existing clients is that it will help cut down time between getting from job to job and increase efficiencies while cutting costs. In addition you can use door hangers to strategically target other areas that you want to start servicing.

The Mail Shark Difference

One of the reasons we are the best marketing partner to choose is that our direct mail programs give you the flexibility to spread out your mailings and your payments over a number of weeks that you choose. For example, instead of forcing you to mail out 10,000 postcards all at once and you paying for them all at once, we can spread that same direct mail campaign out over up to a 10 week period. This would look like mailing 1,000 postcards per week for 10 straight weeks. We will also spread out your payments over the 10 weeks as well and on top of that there is no money up front and no money down. This ultimately makes it affordable for all businesses to do this type of advertising.

Why our clients love this strategy is because it makes it easier for them to manage their businesses and gives them a steady flow of leads as opposed to getting all of those leads at the same time.

Imagine sending out 10,000 postcards and getting all of the calls at once.

  1. Could you afford to do this and do you want to tie up unnecessary cash?
  2. Would you be able to return all of the calls you receive in a timely manner in addition to your current workload?
  3. Would you be able to immediately service an increase in accounts and work them into your existing schedule immediately?

The answer to the majority of the above questions is typically NO. Therefore, by using our weekly mailing programs, you can avoid these potential pitfalls and enjoy a nice steady stream of leads.

Considerations Before You Get Started

There are many other considerations before starting a direct mail and print marketing program. Here are just a few more tips to consider and discuss with your direct mail and marketing expert.

  1. Make sure your brand and message in consistent between the direct mail pieces and door hangers to ensure that each piece strongly reinforces the other.
  2. Make sure you have a professional design your pieces. The difference will be night and day and so will the results.
  3. Make sure to remove all apartments, trailers, & PO boxes from your mailers. Apartments and trailers will never have a yard for you to cut. With PO boxes you will never know who these people are. If you only focus on residential jobs then make sure to also remove all businesses.

In Conclusion

The winning combination of standalone direct mail and door hangers can help take your business to the next level. To find out more about how we can help your get more customers and increase revenue, contact us today or by telephone at (610) 621-2994.

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