Mail Shark

Marketing Mail for Small Business Owners

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Every small business has a need for a continuous, reliable influx of customers. To increase inbound leads, many turn to the opportunities provided by marketing mail.

We all get marketing mail on a daily basis, but not all of it works. To help you maximize your marketing mail for small businesses, we’ve amassed some information and tips encompassing what you need to know about marketing mail.

The United States Postal Service Saturation Mail Services for Small Businesses

The U.S. Postal Service has offered saturation marketing mail services for many decades. marketing mail is less expensive than first-class mail, because it’s delivered to local postal offices in marketing packaging. Then, the marketing mail is distributed among postal carriers according to routes and postal codes.

Marketing mail allows small businesses to blanket, or saturate, a specific area with a postcard, brochure, menu, flyer, etc. While marketing mail does have limitations, such as size and weight guidelines, it’s an excellent resource for any small business that wants to improve sales quarter after quarter.

Although marketing mail is possible to do on your own, it can be confusing. A better approach for small business owners is to partner with a company that understands how to efficiently and effectively streamline the process.

Marketing Mail Tips for Business Owners

Think you can just send out any message via marketing mail and have it work? That’s a common misconception about marketing mail. The truth is that there are some marketing rules to follow. Below are marketing mail tips based on successful small business campaigns:

Want to know how you can harness the positive outcomes of saturation marketing mail for your own small business? Fill out our contact form to learn more about how Mail Shark can help.

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